Say goodbye to writer’s block

Writers block is so 2022. Let Notes AI write blog posts, emails, project plans, notes, and more for you with just a few clicks.

built by the world’s fastest moving teams

Hive notes

Fuel your creativity with AI

Meeting agenda? Blog post? Startup business plan? Get started in Notes AI with our AI assist, fueled by custom Hive knowledge.

AI MEets Hive Notes

Save 4 hours per week

Need to kick off a piece of content but don’t know where to start? Ask Notes AI to kick off a piece of content for you, and save yourself 4 hours, or more, per week.

Emails with ease

Instantly craft the perfect email

Writing and responding to emails can take hours out of your day. Use Notes AI to do the work for you by asking it a simple prompt. 

The content you need, faster than ever

Can’t bring yourself to kickstart that blog post you’ve been putting off for weeks? Give Notes AI a simple prompt, and we’ll do the work for you.

Generate any type of content in Notes AI

Article outline

Give Notes AI a topic, tone, or idea, and it will outline the article for you.

Blog post

We’ll turn a one sentence prompt into a full post in seconds.

Content brief

For content creators who’d like a starting point on their writing.

Thought leadership

Write a post or speech for your CEO to share on Linkedin.


Generate newsletter copy for your product or content update emails.

Sales proposal

Get your sales team on track with a perfect sales proposal.

How-to guide

Ask Notes AI to write a how-to guide on any subject.

Press release

Generate a format or outline for your new product press release.

Website copy

Craft the perfect language for your new website.

Meta description

For the SEO specialists collaborating on blog posts.

Online Ad

Let Notes AI draft up the perfect ad copy for your brand.

Job description

Ask Notes AI to write a job description and make hiring simple.

Let AI do the work for you

Brainstorm ideas

Get your creative juices flowing with Notes AI. Use artificial intelligence to brainstorm ideas and assign them as actions in Hive.

Jumpstart creative ideas

Notes AI is your personal creative agency. Generate brand new images and graphics by feeding it a simple prompt.

Edit and translate

Short on time? Let Notes AI spellcheck, translate, or write your content for you. Just tell it exactly what you need.

See for yourself why successful teams move faster in Hive.

Try it now for free. No credit card needed.